Evaluating My Baseline In The Pool

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I had a short but important swim session this evening.  After swimming a number of intervals, I got to test my 100 yard swim time.

It is not very often that my coach gives me a test in the swim.  Our goal for my swim, is to make me a confident and strong swimmer, so that I can complete the swim portion of my races, feeling very fresh.  If I can swim a reasonable time and conserve energy for the bike and particularly the run, then I will put myself in a great position to do well.  

In the back of my mind however, I always wonder if I am improving as a swimmer.  Intuitively, compared to  year or so ago, I feel like a better swimmer in the water, but performing a test would cement this feeling with data.

So at the end of my swim session this evening, I rested for a full two minutes and swam an all out 100 yard interval.  I then rested for another two minutes and did another all out 100.  

The result… both 100’s were faster than my previous best 100 time. 

To be honest, I was really shocked.  To achieve this result, having only been back in the pool for a short time, was very satisfying.  All my recent work focused on technique and building strength, looks like it is paying off.  I have also been enjoying my swims and this test result, just motivates me even more.