Essential Equipment For My Indoor Training Season

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There is no getting around the fact that it is impossible to always train outside for triathlon, if you live in a region where it freezes and snows in winter. The weather means ,that at this time of year, I am well into my indoor training season.

To effectively train indoors, there are a couple of pieces of equipment that are essential.  The first of these is a bike trainer of some sort. Without a bike trainer, I cannot maintain any kind of bike fitness over the winter.

I have a Wahoo Kickr bike trainer from Wahoo Fitness.  It is a ‘smart trainer’, but you don’t need to buy a smart trainer. Any bike trainer will do.

If you ride on a bike trainer, then there is a second piece of essential equipment. A big fan, that can push a lot of air, and keep you cool. It is amazing how quickly you overheat when riding a trainer without a fan.  You don’t have to work particularly hard to get too hot.

The fan I use was about $50 from my local hardware store.  It has three speeds and does a perfect job of keeping me cool.  I use the lowest fan speed on easy rides, and the highest setting, when riding hard.

Access to a treadmill, either at home or at your gym, is the final piece of equipment needed.  I much prefer to run outside, but there is always the odd day, when it is too dangerous to do so.  Ice on the road is the one thing that automatically stops me going outside.  Dangerously low temperatures can also mean an indoor run, but fortunately those days are rare in Pittsburgh.

Indoor training season is here.  I biked and ran indoors today and for both sessions, my trusty fan kept me cool.