Escape To The Park

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Day four of working from home and I needed to escape.  The weather was quite nice today, so I chose to take my road bike for a little spin.

I didn’t have a scheduled workout today, but it also wasn’t a scheduled day off; I could chose what I wanted to do.  I wanted to go outside and I wanted to be out there for a while.  This meant a bike ride.

I rode for a little over 90 minutes.  The whole ride was done at a relatively low effort, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t valuable.  As I have said many times, lots of low effort work, adds up over time and builds a strong base. A strong base means that when it comes to a long race, your body lasts longer before ‘breaking down’.  The key to a good finishing time in a long distance triathlon, isn’t going fast, it’s not slowing down.

Most people struggle on the run portion of long distance races.  This is often because they ‘over bike’.  ‘Over biking’ is expending too much energy, trying to get a fast bike split.  The energy used on the bike, is then, not available to support a strong run.  I will cover more about race tactics, as we enter race season (whenever that will be, this year).

For now, with races getting cancelled or postponed, it’s time to ‘build the base’.  Today’s ride was just one small piece. of doing exactly that….

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.