Enjoyed Watching The Ironman 70.3 World Championships

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My niggling injury is continuing to improve, and I should be able to run again next week ahead of the marathon on Saturday.  While resting for the past two days, I have really enjoyed watching the Ironman 70.3 World Championships.

I really like that the men’s and women’s races, now happen on separate days.  In yesterday’s race Taylor Knibb just destroyed her competition.  Her power on the bike was a different class.  She managed to build a gap of around six to seven minutes and basically held that lead on the run.  She was so far ahead, she even had time for a bathroom break on the run!!

Today’s race for the men was fantastic. Ben Kanute had a great race, but in the end Kristian Blummenfelt was just too strong.  When Kristian decided it was time to drop Ben on the run, he ran two miles at sub-5 minute pace (4:50 and 4:36).  Just amazing.  At the finish line he looked like he had just been out for an easy weekend jog.

It is alway fun watching World Championships.  It just a shame that we have to wait almost a year for the next one.