Easy Run Before A Day Of Fun

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I am writing my blog really late this evening.  I just got back to our Bed & Breakfast room, after an amazing day with friends.

Triathlon is a big part of my life, but today it took a backseat, to having fun with friends.  We have spent the day, relaxing at various wineries here in Virginia. With all the issues associated with the pandemic, it has been great to just hang out with some of our best friends, share some great wine and talk.  

I didn’t completely forget training however. This morning we went to down to the James River for our run.  I had a forty five minute run, that included a few sprint intervals.  I had a great run but today, I did something that I don’t normally do.  I stopped in the middle of my run to  take a photograph.

Half way across a suspension bridge, I just had to stop for the photo that I have used for today’s blog.  The James River was just so different to most other rivers I have run by.  The rocks and fast flowing water were fascinating.  Very different from the easy flowing rivers, in my home town of Pittsburgh.

My run went really well, even if the humidity was somewhat oppressive.  Luckily, the weather in the mountains is much better, and I’m looking forward to waking up to a great view in the morning.