Early Run On A Special Day

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That smile in the photo is because today was a special day.  Our daughter graduated from Indiana University with her MBA today.  It was a day of celebration, and so I needed to get my run in early.

My run today was a 40 minute easy run, with four 30 second sprints at the end.  I didn’t execute well today however; I ran a little fast.  The good news is that even though my pace was fast, my heart rate was still low.  The low heart rate meant the workout wasn’t that far off what it was intended to be.

I left the house and the weather was perfect for running; overcast and with a temperature around 50’F.  I immediately fell into a quick pace.  My strides were relaxed and long;  my breathing was well under control. I just felt good and mentally I wanted to go fast.

By the time I finished the run with the sprints, my average pace was over 30 seconds per mile faster, than any other run I have done this year.  My run legs are definitely coming back after my foot injury.  I am really enjoying running again.

The rest of my day was fantastic.  We watched the ‘virtual’ graduation ceremony, drank champagne and a neighbor took some amazing photographs.  All in all it was a great day for both life and triathlon.