Early Morning Run and Bike

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I had an easy effort, ‘reverse-brick’ session on my schedule today.  The purpose of these workouts was ‘active recovery’.  For ‘active recovery’ workouts, I need to keep the effort level at super easy and they work best, if you do them early in the day.

The recovery part is the key to these sessions.  All you really want to do is get the blood moving through your muscles, to help revitalize them and flush out any toxins.

I woke up early today, and got out of bed while it was still dark.  I took my time getting ready, and as I headed out on my run, the sun was just rising.  There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, so the temperature was quite low … just above freezing point.  The run was invigorating.  The pace was slow and I was able to enjoy the cold air and the views.  I was also alone, which is a benefit these days.

After my run, I did an easy one hour spin, at low power, on the bike trainer.  I felt good afterwards and enjoyed a great breakfast of steel-cut oats, fruit, nuts and honey.  As I ate breakfast, I looked outside and realized that the sky had completely clouded over.  Anyone waking up at this time, it was still early, would never have known how beautiful the start of the day was.

I worked out for close to 90 minutes this morning, and afterwards I felt great.  I started the day having been ‘active’ and also feeling strong and ‘recovered’.  It was a good workout day today.