Diary Of A Big Training Week : Day One – Swim

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For my blog posts this week, I am going to share what a big week of training, looks like for me.  No two people need or should have the same training schedule, so this is not a case of ‘do this’.  This is more about me sharing my love of training.  So what did I do one Day One?

After a really big weekend of training, where I ran for two hours and biked for three and a half, today was basically a rest day.  A rest day doesn’t mean that I didn’t work out.  It just means that I didn’t do anything long or intense.  I had one session; a swim.

I had what my coach calls, a ‘legs off’ swim.  This is a swim where I rest my legs, to help them recover from the weekend.  How do I rest my legs while swimming?  I use a pull buoy.  This was my workout in the pool this afternoon.

  • 3 x 200 yards – Zone 2/3 with Pull Buoy on 30″ rest
  • 3 x 200 yards – Zone 2/3 with Pull Buoy and Paddles on 30″ rest
  • 3 x 200 yards – Zone 2/3 with Pull Buoy on 30″ rest
  • 3 x 200 yards – Zone 2/3 with Pull Buoy and Paddles on 30″ rest
  • 3 x 200 yards – Zone 2/3 with Pull Buoy on 30″ rest

This was a very relaxing swim.  I was able to settle into a groove and just swim.  I spent time focussing on my head position, minimizing movement while breathing, and my catch.  The 3,000 yards went by very quickly, and at no point did I feel like I was ‘pushing the effort’.

So there you have it. Day one was an ‘easy’ day.  Things change a little tomorrow.