Diary Of A Big Training Week : Day Four – Swim

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The end of my training week is going to be huge, so on day four, I was restricted to just one workout; a swim.  It was no ordinary swim however. I was a big one.

When training it is always critical to remember, that other aspects of your life can impact how your workout goes.  Sometimes these ‘life factors’ can have a big effect.  I think I experienced a little bit of that today in the pool.

First some background.  Outside of triathlon, I have spent the past three days painting the entry way to our house.  This is a two story entrance, with a flight of stairs leading to the upstairs.  Painting this room has been an adventure, with lots of climbing ladders and assembling/disassembling of platforms.  This, together with lots of overhead painting, has left my arms and shoulders a little tired. That tiredness showed up in the pool this evening.

My pool workout was as follows:

  • 200 Swim
  • 200 Swim with Pull Buoy
  • 200 Kick
  • 200 Swim with Pull Buoy
  • 4 x 50 Fast on 30″ rest
  • 24 x 100 at 80-85% Effort on 20″ rest

The total distance of my swim was 3,400 yards and by the end of it, I was getting very fatigued and my form was suffering.  This meant my pace was dropping significantly.  While I didn’t necessarily like the times I was seeing, I was determined to finish the swim.  I did that, even if it got ugly towards the end. 

So day four didn’t go that great. In the scheme of things however, one ‘lower than average’ workout is nothing.  I have them all the time, and they still add to my training. 

As mentioned above, I have three very big days ahead.  I am preparing for this by increasing my food intake.  I will need the fuel for what is to come.