Dialing In My Position

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If you want to go fast on the bike leg of an Ironman, it is critical that you maximize the time you spend riding in the aero position.  The drag created when sitting up is significant, and slows you down considerably.

The key to staying in the aero position for hours on end, is comfort.  If your saddle hurts; if your shoulders or back ache; or if anything else hurts, then you will not be able to ride for long periods without doing something to relieve the pain.  Relieving the pain usually means sitting up.

This is where a good bike fit comes in. Unfortunately, with the ongoing pandemic, I have not been able to get an ‘in person’ bike fit.  I am therefore trying to dial in a fit, by myself. I am following the guidelines in Dave Luscan’s e-book, that I wrote about a few weeks ago.  Judging by my long ride during last week’s triathlon camp, I am getting closer to a comfortable position, but am still not satisfied that it is exactly right.

My main issue has been some slight shoulder pain, so I am probably a little cramped or tight, in terms of reach.  To address this, I moved my elbow pads forward slightly today. A quick ride on the trainer felt good, but the ultimate test will be my next long ride. 

How comfortable will I be?  I don’t have long to wait to find out.  I have a four hour ride scheduled for Saturday!