Desperately Trying To Fix My Knee

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Fun times!!  I am in the careful balancing game, of trying to fully recover from this minor knee injury, before I lose too much fitness and the opportunity to complete the challenge I have set for myself.

The good news is that my knee feels much better today.  It’s certainly not good enough to start running again, but it feels like it is heading in the right direction.

To aid with the rehabilitation, I am doing several things.

  • Icing the knee four times a day using a cold compress
  • When not icing the knee, I am wearing an elasticated bandage to provide some support and also some compression
  • I am taking ibuprofen on a regular basis
  • I am rolling all of the muscles around my knee quite vigorously, a couple of times a day

This injury is very similar to one I had back in February.  Back then, it took about ten days to get back to working out, and even a bit longer to doing hard sessions.  This time around, I feel like I am recovering quicker.

I am still hopeful that I can be in good enough shape to take on my challenge next weekend.  If however, I take a little longer to recover, I still think I am going to try.  I’m heading into winter and still have over six months before my next race.  I can afford to take a small risk, with this much time to get things back in line.