Consistency Means That Sometimes You Run In The Dark

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It’s mid-December, which means it’s dark when I get to work and dark when I leave.   So guess what, it’s dark when I do my runs.

I suppose I could run on a treadmill in a well lit room, but I’m not a big fan of the ‘Devil’s Sidewalk’, so I run outside whenever possible.  Tonight was no exception.

I had gotten up early to do my fifty minute easy run, but quickly discovered that freezing rain had made the roads around my house very slick.  This meant either running on the treadmill before work or trying to run outside again, after work … for me a very easy decision.

Running after work actually gives me a few more options about where to run.  My morning runs before work are almost always done from home, but evenings are different.  Tonight, I chose our local park with the five mile lake loop.  I like it because it is quiet and has a dedicated running lane.  It is however, very dark in places.

I have an excellent headlamp, a Black Diamond Sprinter model, which has a strong front white light and a rear flashing red light.  I have had it for a few years and love it.  It really lights up the path ahead.  It is also useful for spotting wildlife because it reflects in their eyes (I saw a raccoon and several deer tonight).  It is also perfect for accidentally blinding people coming the other way!!  Tonight there was nobody coming the other way.

Running in the dark might sound intimidating, but I love it.  It’s usually quiet and peaceful.  Tonight, there was there was the added bonus of a nice chill in the air and some snow flurries. 

I am glad I like running in the dark .. it would be awfully tough to stay consistent at this time of year, if I didn’t.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.