Complementary Workouts On A Beautiful Day

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I had two workouts today; a run and a swim.  When you have two workouts within the same day, it is important to remember ,that they can impact each other. I put some thought into my workouts today and it worked out great.

My run was a straightforward 45 minute, Zone 2 run.  The only real variable on these runs, is the route that I chose to run.  Do I run a relatively flat route or do I choose one that has more hills?

I did my run at lunchtime today.  The weather was beautiful for this time of the year, so I wanted to take advantage of that and run when I could enjoy it.  I ran from home and made the decision to run a route that has lots of hills.  I chose this route for two reasons.  Firstly, it took me to the community park and so had the nicest scenery.  I also chose the route because I wanted to run hills.

Even though my legs felt tired on my last run, I made the decision to run hills, because I wanted to work my legs a little.  I made this decision, knowing that it would not impact my swim workout later in the day.  My swim workout involved intervals, that all required swimming with a pull buoy.  In other words, I wouldn’t need to use my legs at all for my swim.

So working my legs hard on my run, didn’t have a negative impact on my swim.  Both workouts turned out as expected.  My legs were ‘feeling it’ a little on those hills, but I still had a great swim.  Sometimes, with a little planning, everything works out just as you wanted it to.  Today that is exactly what happened and I had a great day.