Chose To Avoid Hills For My Easy Effort Run

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When running in Western Pennsylvania, it can be quite difficult to avoid hills.  I don’t normally try to avoid hills, because running hills helps me get stronger. Some days however, I need to take it easy on my run and that is when running somewhere flat helps.

The most convenient place for me to run where the terrain is relatively flat, is at the local high school.  I can run around the edge of the campus on a paved surface and the distance covered is exactly a mile.  The total elevation gain and loss on this loop is about twenty feet.

I had an easy effort day scheduled today, but it included two workouts; an hour on the bike and a thirty-five minute run.  So this is why I ran at the high school this evening.  It’s not the most scenic place to run, but it is safe and it is flat.

I ran late afternoon and was joined by my wife, who had an interval run.  Just like yesterday, the weather was quite warm and I ended up running in shorts.  The run went well and overall I had a decent volume day, all at easy effort.