Changing Up My Plans A Little

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Some time ago, I made the decision to try something new and challenging.  Since making that decision, I have been working with my coach, to get prepared to do it in early November.

Events this week have changed our plans.  On Tuesday, I wrote about what I thought was a ‘phantom injury‘.  Well, it turned out that my body was a little more beat up than I estimated.  I haven’t worked out since the run I completed that day.  My knee has been very tender and slightly swollen.  I think I have a mild case of patella tendonitis again.

I was scheduled for another long trail run this weekend, and an even longer one the weekend after.  This was the plan for finishing my build, going into my challenge.  With my knee issues, I have decided to change those plans.

Given that I have not worked out, for five of the past six days, I am now very well rested.  This period of low activity, is somewhat similar to a taper.  So, in talking with my coach, we have made the decision to fully rest my knee until I am back to full health (hopefully in the next day or two) and then I will just bite the bullet, and try my challenge.

Sometimes you have to adapt to circumstances and in this case, I am fortunate to have the flexibility, as to when to do my event.  Instead of getting all worried about this minor knee issue, I am now focussed on the future.  I am watching the weather, so I can pick a good time to ‘go for it’. 

Not long now.. I am super excited to try something new.