Building A Solid Base Of Fitness

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Training for long course triathlon takes time, and like many triathletes, I follow a periodized method of training.  This method involves block of workouts, with a particular purpose in mind.

Right now, like many athletes in the Northern Hemisphere, I am in the Base Phase of training.  This phase is all about building a solid, base level of fitness.  It about building a strong ‘chassis’ that can be used later, to add speed via installing a fast engine.

The periodized training approach, is a lot like the approach that mountaineers take, when they want to climb a very high mountain.  They don’t just go to the mountain and climb it.  They spend weeks acclimatizing to the high altitude and building base fitness.  If I wanted to climb Mount Denali (today’s photo), I would likely spend time at base camp, doing short climbs to acclimatize, before even starting the work to go for the final summit push.

The key areas of focus during the Base Phase of training, are endurance and strength (force) improvement.  This means lots of consistent workouts at a low effort (Zones 1-2), with the occasional strength workout, like big gear work on the bike.  It’s also a good time to focus on skills that will bring speed down the road.  Things like swim technique and high cadence work on the bike.

I am going to be in this Base Phase for at least another month.  The workouts can get tedious, especially because many are done inside, but each one builds on the others that went before it.  It’s a critical phase of my training, because without a solid base, I will not be able to effectively do what lies ahead.  Just like a fast car, I need a sound chassis, on which to mount my fast engine.