Blue Skies But I Still Ran Inside

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Another double workout day for me today; I had a run and a swim on the schedule.  I had an early work meeting this morning, so as I went to bed last night, I had already decided that I would run at lunchtime and swim after work.

As I sat at my desk working this morning, I couldn’t help but look outside and see a gorgeous blue sky.  We don’t get a lot of sunshine during winter in Pittsburgh, so the thought of running outside entered my mind.  Unfortunately, the blue sky was accompanied by very cold temperatures and snow on the ground.

When lunchtime arrived, I went outside to check on conditions.  Maybe I could run outside after all. The temperature was easily manageable in the sunshine, but one look at the sidewalks and deep down, I knew it was too risky to run on them.  There was snow and ice present in many places.  The roads were clear but I didn’t want to run in the road, during this time of the day… too many cars around.

It was such a nice day a I stood on our driveway, that I almost thought about going for it, but then logic kicked in and I decided not to.  The main reason is my Achilles issue.  The last thing I wanted to do, was slip on some ice and re-injure myself.  The injury is finally starting to feel good, so I chose to be cautious.

My run therefore, ended up consisting of 55 minutes of the treadmill in my basement.  I watched TV and sweated a lot, but I got it done. 

I stared at that blue sky all afternoon.  There will be other sunny days ahead and with my injury on the mend, I will hopefully be ready to take advantage of the next one.