Big Training Weekend Confirms Western Pennsylvania Is Not Flat

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I have just finished a big training weekend.  The long bike ride and long run that I did, capped my biggest training week in almost a year.  I was so tired after my ride yesterday, that I forgot to write my daily blog…

Ironman Chattanooga is just seven weeks away, so I am right in the middle of a very big block of training.  I worked out for a total of 15 hours this week. Next week may be slightly more, depending how it goes. 

When I am out training in Western Pennsylvania, the one thing that I cannot avoid is hills.  My bike ride yesterday, included over 6,000 feet of elevation gain.  I did my run today on one of the flattest routes that I know, and it still included 400 feet of gain.  While the hills are challenging, they also mean a huge fitness boost.  Training with lots of elevation, is going to make the hills at Ironman Chattanooga, easier to deal with on race day.

My training regimen for Ironman is significant.  I am looking to go faster than I have ever done before. This means that I am willing to put in the extra hours of training.  If you are considering an Ironman, you will need to train a lot. With a good base of fitness however, you don’t need to put in as many hours as I do.

Now that my big training weekend is done, I need to focus on recovery.  I will be relaxing for the rest of the day and focusing on eating and hydrating well.