Back To Training With A Really Tough Workout

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I took a good break from triathlon over the Holidays.  I didn’t write my blog and for a few days, I didn’t workout.  The only thing that I did that was triathlon related, was work with my coached athletes.  Today it was time to get back to training and I started with a really tough workout.

I chose to ride my bike on the trainer for an hour and because I wanted to work hard, I picked a threshold workout from the TrainerRoad library. The ride was 4 x 8 minute intervals at just below my FTP, with each interval including three all out sprints for 5 seconds.  It was a tough workout and my quads are still burning, as I write my blog.

Returning to a power level close to FTP, immediately after a short, all out sprint, was quite challenging.  I was surprised however, that within a minute, all the effort of the sprint dissipated from my legs. That gave me another minute of steady effort, before the next all out sprint.

It’s back to running tomorrow. Luckily it looks like the outside temperature will be high enough for me to venture outdoors.  That’s quite a surprise after the crazy low temperatures we had during the recent storm.  I’ll be heading to North Park because they salt the running trail there, and I know I will not have to deal with snow and ice.