Back To Running Again But Today Was A Tough One

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I finally feel recovered enough from my niggling injuries and ailments, to where I can get back to running.  My wife had an hour run planned for today, so I decided to join her and run at the local park.  We would run separate routes and aim to meet back at the car after 60 minutes.

I started my run on a section that went gradually uphill.  My legs felt good and the pain in my foot was minimal.  I could however, still feel that my trachea was still irritated, like it had been in Chattanooga.  I made the decision to push through the breathing issue, to see if it changed as I ran further.  It really didn’t get any worse, which is what I had feared.

This run was intended to be an easy Zone 2 run, but once I was running, I changed my mind.  Despite the breathing issues, my pace was actually quite good and my heart rate was fine.  After a mile or two, I switched things up and chose to make it a negative split run.  I would try to push it a little more, during the last few miles.

So that is what I did and I was able to accomplish a negative split run.  The last half mile was quite quick and when I finished, I was breathing quite hard.  My wife took today’s picture of me, just after I finished.

So having gotten back to running and having a tough run, I have only myself to blame.  It was that decision to negative split, that made it the run so tough.