Another Short Brick Workout In The Park

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I did another short brick workout this evening.  The format was the same as the one that I did on Tuesday, but this time I did it all at the local park.

I chose to do my bike and run at the park, because I could join my friends from Pittsburgh Triathlon Club, for part of the bike ride.  I rode around the lake with them for twenty miles, before breaking away to put in a couple of short, hard efforts to get my legs going.

The ride went very well, and I am feeling strong again on the bike.  My breathing is getting better too.  Once my bike session was over, I put my bike into the back of the car and set off, on my easy pace, twenty minute run.

You may be wondering why today’s photo is of a park bathroom building.  Well, in case you haven’t guessed, I desperately needed that bathroom, half way through my run.  We have all been there… major GI issues in the middle of a run.  Luckily, I know the park well and this includes knowing where all the bathrooms are.

So my short run was interrupted and effectively became two shorter runs.  I think I know what caused that interruption.  I had eaten some fruit within three hours of starting a run.  This has been a trigger for GI issues with me in the past, but never on this short of a run.  I thought I could get away with it, given I was only planning to run for twenty minutes.  Lesson learned I guess; no fruit before running… ever.

So, I did the exact same short brick workout as I did earlier in the week, but with different results!!  Overall however, I felt quite good. I am getting closer and closer to being ready for Saturday.