An Occasional Treat Is OK

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Apparently, today is “Employee Appreciation Day”, here in America.  I arrived at work this morning, to be greeted with several tables that were full of donuts.  It’s an interesting choice …

At work these days, I am bombarded with corporate e-mails and messages, about living a healthy lifestyle.  My employer has initiated many programs to support this, including financial incentives to maintain a healthy weight.  It’s kind of surprising therefore, that today they purchased several thousand donuts, without considering a healthy option or alternative, like fruit.

With that said.. I did eat a donut.  I chose one with minimal icing, took the time to eat it slowly, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I have written several blogs over the past few months, about my journey to improve nutrition and to lose the excess weight, that I gained during Thanksgiving and the Holidays.  I have been doing really well.  I am feeling great, I am energized and the weight is gradually going down.  I truly feel that I have my nutrition under control, and it’s going to be interesting to see, how things go as my training volume increases over the coming weeks.

With my eating going so well,  I was very comfortable giving myself the treat of a donut this morning.  It is recorded in my food tracker, with its 7 grams of fat taking up almost 10% of my daily target.  The donut’s 20 grams of carbohydrate are possibly going to help me.  I have a big bike ride tomorrow, so it is important that I fuel well today, in preparation for that workout.  

As I type this at lunchtime, there are still dozens of donuts sitting in the break room. In times past, there would be a pretty good chance, that I would re-visit that donut box during the afternoon.  Today however, I know that I am perfectly able to resist. With my diet under control, I am fully satisfied by the very occasional treat.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.