An Evening of Ups And Downs

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It was a beautiful evening for my 90 minute, zone 1/2 bike ride.  Once again I headed east from my home, and decided to explore some new roads.

I have really enjoyed these ‘exploration’ rides, that I have been doing over the past few weeks.  It’s always interesting to see new things while riding, and these easier rides allow me the opportunity to look around.  It’s not the same for harder bike sessions, because on those rides I am pushing hard, going faster, and need to fully concentrate on the road.

Two-thirds of the way through tonight’s ride, I found a really cool barn, that I had never seen before.  It was a perfect place to stop for my snack and to grab a photo or two.  The barn looked quite old, but was obviously still being used.  It was labelled as a stable, but there were no horses around.

I had a great ride and arrived home really relaxed.  A few minutes later, I reached for my phone, to check how my photos had turned out.  I immediately noticed an e-mail notification from Ironman 70.3 Musselman.  Even before reading the e-mail, I knew…. the race was being postponed.  Sure enough, the race will not take place in mid-July as planned.  No details were provided about a new date, or options for transferring to other races / deferring to next year.  I am sure we will find out within a week or two, about our choices.

While it’s disappointing that my second race has now been postponed, I need to just keep moving forward.  The next race on my schedule is Ironman Chattanooga in September.  For now, it’s far enough away, that I have no idea if it will go ahead or not.  So my training continues … next up is a 45 minute run, tomorrow morning.