All Set To Race Ironman 70.3 Musselman Tomorrow

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Ironman 70.3 Musselman is tomorrow, and I am ready to give it everything, when I enter the water in the morning.  I have a standard routine for the day before the race. I followed that routine today and everything went well.

My day began with a quick cup of coffee and a banana.  I then got dressed into a triathlon kit, and headed out for a thirty minute ride on my bike.  The main purpose of this ride, is to check that everything is functioning correctly.  I run through all the gears and give the brakes a good workout.  I then do a couple of short bursts at race pace, before finishing the ride.  All was good this morning.

Next up was more coffee and some toast.  Then, about an hour later, I headed off to the beach at the local State Park, for a quick swim.  I like to do a quick swim before a race. I helps get a feel for the water and calms my nerves.  My swim this morning was great.  The lake water is quite clear and it was at 73’F.  

After the swim, it was a quick change, and off to breakfast.  This is my last big meal before the race.  I had eggs, bacon, sausages, hash browns and pancakes.  After this meal, I typically graze all day on food that has good carbohydrate content, but no fiber.

Mid-afternoon, I checked my bike into transition and spent a few minutes figuring out, how the various parts of transition will work.  I checked the swim exit, the run to my bike (quite long), bike exit, bike in, run out and finally, the finish line.  For this race, everything is actually well planned and quite straightforward.

The rest of my day has been spent mostly relaxing.  Earlier this evening, I packed all my race gear, so that I am ready to leave early tomorrow.  I had a final, very small meal of pasta, and am now just sipping fluids to make sure I am fully hydrated.

After my disappointing race in Chattanooga, seven weeks ago, I am really hoping to race well, when I toe the line tomorrow at Ironman 70.3 Musselman.