All Packed And Ready To Go

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I have spent most of the day relaxing and preparing for my attempt at the Rachel Carson trail tomorrow. 

My preparation has involved trying to think of every scenario that could happen tomorrow, and then thinking of how I will deal with it.  This has resulted in me packing a lot of stuff into the back of my car.

I have spare clothes, spare shoes, spare hiking poles, a full first aid kit and lots of food and drinks.  Having this in the back of my car, would be of no value without someone to drive that car around, and meet me on the course.

Tomorrow, I am fortunate to have the full support of my wife.  My day is going to be long and challenging, but for me, that is much better than the thought of spending all day waiting in parking lots for me to appear.  It is true what they say; it takes a team to be successful. Thank you .. Sarah xx

So here goes… time for an early night. Tomorrow is going to be fun.