Adjust And Move On

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That photo was my view for 90 minutes tonight. I had another 90 minute bike session, but after last night I had to adjust.

This morning, my right quad was really sore and tight.  This was clearly a result of last night’s hard bike session.  I’m thinking that only my right quad was affected, because maybe I’m subconsciously trying to protect my left foot (the one with the healing stress fracture).

Anyway, the soreness never really went away all day, so I was left with two choices: skip tonight’s workout all together or adjust.  I chose to adjust.  I chose to do my scheduled workout ( a Zone 1 / Zone 2 session), but to do it at the low end of the power zones.  That turned out to be a good choice.  I wasn’t in any pain and I got through the workout just fine.

The other benefit of going super easy, was that I was able to enjoy various YouTube videos.  I watched several on the Hard Rock 100 Mile Ultramarathon.  What a spectacular race!!  My only concern is my mind started wandering to the thought of …  I think I’d like to that someday….

Post workout, I iced down my quad and it’s actually feeling much better right now.  Hopefully that’s true, when I wake up tomorrow morning.  That’s when I will really know, if “adjusting and moving on”, was the right choice.


Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.