Adapting My Training Plan To Focus On Getting Healthy

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I made the decision yesterday, that adapting my training plan was necessary.  I need to change my focus from building additional fitness, to focusing on getting fully healthy.

A few weeks back, I had a couple of issues that were holding me back.  The biggest issue at the time, was an injured foot.  I am happy to say, that I have now completely recovered from this niggling problem.  I was also experiencing some acid reflux and breathing issues.  These got so bad, that I ended up with a DNF at Ironman 70.3 Chattanooga. Unfortunately, the breathing issue is still lingering.

To get fully beyond the breathing issue, I have worked with my coach, to eliminate all workouts that will put significant stress on my breathing.  This means no swimming in a pool, as the chlorine irritates my trachea.  It also means that all of my bike and run workouts, will be done in Zone 2 or less.  I will be avoiding anything that gets my heart rate up, and causes me to breathe hard.

My thinking is, that by not stressing my trachea and lungs with hard work, I will gradually heal.  I am hopeful that a week of workouts like this, will fix things up.  Of course, doing lots of Zone 1 – Zone 2 work is not a bad thing.  I should be able to easily maintain my current level of fitness, by adopting this approach.

It is very important to be fully healthy, if you are planning on hard workouts.  I am hopeful that, by adapting my training plan, I will be doing hard workouts again in the very near future.