A Walk On The Beach Was A Perfect Workout Today

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As I wrote in my blog yesterday, today was not the day for me to start working out again.  I am still not fully recovered from food poisoning, so I needed to take things easy.  Equally however, I didn’t want to just sit around and do nothing. My wife and I therefore decided, to go for a walk on the beach.

We are staying with my wife’s father.  He said he would join us for the trip to the beach.  The weather was mild for the time of year, so we decided to head up to Druridge Bay.  Druridge Bay is seven miles long, with a stunning beach, backed by sand dunes.  It is a natural and wild area, with relatively few visitors.  There were maybe fifty people on the beach today, which was actually quite busy for this time of year.

Druridge Bay is also a special place for me, because it was the place, where my wife and I went to on our first date, a very long time ago.  It hasn’t changed at all over those years, and we always try to go for a walk here, when we come back to England.

Our walk on the beach wasn’t particularly long, but it was great to get moving again and to embrace the fresh sea air.  It will be back to training for me tomorrow… I plan to run in the morning.