A Walk In The Park Was Good For Recovery

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I have written many times, about how important good recovery is.  I like to give my body a chance to recover from hard workouts.  That way, it can replenish resources and build new, stronger muscle fibers.

I did my long bike ride this morning.  I spent two and a half hours peddling on my trainer.  This workout didn’t involve any high intensity work, but nonetheless, it would have been taxing on my body.  Riding non-stop, for that length of time, still requires recovery.  This is especially true, when I have a long run tomorrow. 

I had finished my bike workout by lunchtime, and had sat around the house for much of the afternoon.  My legs were feeling stiff and tired.  As the sun began to shine outside, I decided that it would be good to go for a nice easy walk.  This would get the blood flowing to my legs, get fresh air into my lungs and help with recovery.

So that is exactly what I did.  My wife and I drove to the local park and we had a nice relaxed walk.  We walked along a disused road, that ran beside a small creek.  It was really quiet and peaceful.  The sun was out and so it was also quite warm for this time of year.

By the end of that walk, my legs were feeling much better, and I was glad for the fresh air.  Recovery from workouts, doesn’t have to mean doing nothing and not moving around.  A simple walk in the park, works just fine too.