A Very Strange Day

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A very strange day indeed…

4.00 am :  Woke up with stomach pain.  I knew what it was almost immediately … acid reflux.  I had a major problem with acid reflux this time last year.  I need to deal with this quickly.

5:30 am :  Woke up again, after dozing for a while.

7:15 am :  Went for an easy 30 minute run around the neighborhood.  It was cold and I had to dig out my winter running gear again.  Run went reasonably well, but I did feel sluggish, despite the pace being easy.

8:30 am :  Started a day of conference calls from my ‘work office’.

Noon :  Took a break from work and ‘worked’ to finish a project, I was doing in our laundry room.

1:15 pm :  After a quick lunch, went back to my ‘work office’, for an afternoon of more calls and working to finish a presentation.

6:00 pm :  Went down to the basement to face, what I knew was going to be, a brutal bike workout.  It was an exact repeat of the one I struggled with last week.

7:35 pm :  Finished said bike workout.  Absolutely amazing ride.  So different to just seven days ago.  Felt strong.  Rode at a high cadence and it felt ‘normal’.  Achieved several, top three ‘all-time’ power records.

9.00 pm :  Just finished a piece of amazing home made banana bread (not made by me !!) and writing this blog post.

My day started early and in pain, and included some more ‘pain’ on the bike trainer.  That ‘pain’ on the bike trainer was exhilarating though … it’s strange how a great workout can make your day.