A Small Reward

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After my really good run yesterday, I wasn’t sure how my workouts would go today.  I had an ‘inverse brick’, with a short run ahead of a hard, two hour bike ride. It turned out they both went really well too.

I had a bit of a lazy morning and was careful to eat well, so I was well fueled for my workouts.  I had some protein pancakes and fruit for breakfast and followed that up with some toast mid-morning. 

Just after noon, I headed out for my run.  It was quite warm and humid again, but I was in my triathlon kit, which keeps me quite cool.  It was an easy pace run and I took it easy, knowing that the bike session that would follow, would be hard.  I got back home after the run and was sweating quite a lot.  I took a good drink of water and headed out on the bike.

I rode to the local park that has a five mile bike path around a lake.  I chose this location, because I know I can push hard and not have to worry too much about traffic.  The park was a little busy, but not so much that it impacted my workout. Just like my runs, I had a great bike ride, with several Strava segment PR’s.  The two hours just flew by because I was having so much fun; outside cycling is so much better than using the trainer.

I made it home in good shape and very happy.  I walked in the house and immediately decided I wanted a beer.  I haven’t had a beer in over a month, because of my issues with acid reflux.  The reflux issues have improved a lot, so today was the day for a beer.  I had just one and it tasted great.  A small reward, for all the hard work I put in this weekend.