A Simple ‘Thank You’

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A simple message on Christmas Day  …  ‘Thank You’

… to my C26 teammates and everyone at Crushing Iron for embracing me as part of this amazing community

… to Coach Robbie and Mike Tarrolly for your friendship and support in my triathlon journey and life.

… to all of my family for putting up with me constantly talking about triathlon.

and most all, to my number one fan … my wife Sarah, without who, I wouldn’t be half the person or triathlete I am today.

P.S.  Photo was taken after IM 70.3 Oceanside earlier this year … Sarah – can we do this race again.. please xx.



Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.