A Really Long Day

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I knew today was going to be a tough day.  I had a four hour bike workout to do and this was going to be followed, by a five hour drive to help our daughter move into her apartment.

Knowing this, I got up really early to start my ride.  I had breakfast and went outside to prepare my bike.  That’s when I saw it … a flat front tire.  Ah well, nothing to do, but fix it and move on.  The fix was relatively straightforward and I also quickly grabbed another spare tube and added an extender to the valve.  I need the extender, because I ride with my deep dish, race wheels.

I started on my ride just a little bit late.  It was a foggy outside, but nothing dangerous.  I had planned another new route for today, and was aiming to find an old barn, that a friend had found.  The route turned out to be fantastic.  The scenery was great, There were lots of hills and also some really nice and smooth, fast roads.

I found the barn I was looking for.  It’s the one in the photo above.  I also saw another five or six barns that were really cool.  I also rode through the historic village of Harmony, where the smells from a small bakery, almost tempted me to stop.

All in all, I had a great ride.  The five hour drive that followed … not so much fun.  My legs always feel tired after a long drive, so the split, 2 hour run that I have tomorrow, should be interesting!!