A Quick Update On My Achilles Tendonitis Injury

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I was really frustrated a week ago, when it was clear that my Achilles tendonitis injury would stop me from running at the Indianapolis marathon.  Since that time, I have worked hard to rehabilitate the injury; I really want to get back to running.

My rehabilitation routine for this tendonitis injury has been as follows.

  • Regular icing of the inflamed area. I iced 4-5 times a day for 20-30 minutes. I did this for five days straight.
  • Full rest, as far as possible.  No more working on projects in the yard and I used crutches for a couple of days.
  • Took Ibuprofen on a regular basis for four days.
  • Foam rolled my calf and hamstring muscles, three times a day. I also added in, rolling my plantar fascia with a spiked ball, starting yesterday.
  • Eccentric heel raises / drops. Three times a day (3 x 15 sets).

The result is that, a week later, I am seeing clear progress.  I no longer limp severely when walking, and the swelling at my heel has subsided.

I am hopeful that I may get back to running again, next week.  I do not plan to run until I am completely pain free.  The last thing I need, after almost three weeks of not running, is a relapse.

I am also thinking of trying an easy bike ride tomorrow.  I think a gentle spin, might help get the tendon loosened up and straightened out.  It will good to exercise again.