A Major Life Event Has Dominated My Schedule This Week

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If you follow my blog on a daily basis, then you will have noticed that I didn’t make my usual daily post yesterday.  This was because yesterday, was my last full day of work.  This was followed by a get together with work colleagues to celebrate a major life event for me…. my retirement.

After a 37 year career in the paint industry, I am fortunate enough to be in a position to retire.  I am so excited about this next phase of life.  In terms of triathlon, retirement gives me a lot more flexibility.  I can more easily schedule my workouts, both in terms of time of day and also day of the week.

When working full time, my only choice for long rides and long runs, was to do them at the weekend. Now I will have the option to do these rides and runs, during the week.  With a race only nine days away however, I don’t need to make that choice quite yet.

The other great thing about the extra time that I now have, is that it will allow me to focus even more on coaching.  I am really enjoying coaching and hopefully I can now find more athletes to help reach their goals.

Retirement is truly a major life event.  It has been a hectic few days, but now it is time to move forward with the next phase of my life.