A Long Day But I Got It Done

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It is late in the evening as I write this blog. Today was a great example of how it is sometimes tough to get in your workouts.  My original workout schedule was for just a 90 minute bike ride, but after skipping my run yesterday, I decided to try and fit in that run too.  Here is how my day went.

  • 8:00 am  :  Got up late.  I have really struggled to get good sleep lately, so I decided to turn off my alarm clock this morning.
  • 9:30 am :  Started preparation for painting our family room. Then completed a full coat of paint…. it’s nearly finished.
  • 12:30 pm :  Got changed into my run gear and went for my 35 minute Zone 2 run.  Weather was perfect and I felt quite strong.  It was a great run.
  • 2:00 pm :  After a quick lunch, it was back to working on the family room.  Removed tape from trim, touched up areas that needed it and worked on fixing the ceiling of the room, repairing some old water damage.
  • 4:30 pm :  Out into the yard, to rake up leaves. Our whole front yard was 2-3 inches deep in leaves, so this was no trivial task.  Luckily, we had a kind neighbor come over to help us.
  • 6:00 pm :  Moved my bike trainer out of the basement, so I could watch Formula 1 practice sessions and qualifying with my son.
  • 6:30 pm :  Finally got on my bike for my 90 minutes Zone 1- Zone 2 session.  As I started my ride, my wife poured herself a glass of wine.  I asked her for a sip.  I joked, if they can drink champagne on the Tour de France, I can drink wine on a Saturday evening ride.
  • 8:00 pm :  Finished my ride and was finally able to have dinner and start to relax.

Today was a great example of how it is sometimes tough, to balance life and triathlon.