A Great Start To The Week

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Yesterday, I wrote about how challenging it is to decide, when to come back from an injury.  I wrote about the risk of coming back too early and the potential penalty of waiting too long.  In the end, I decided to go ahead and run yesterday. It is looking like that decision to start running again, was a good one.  

When I woke up this morning my Achilles injury felt no worse that it had, prior to running yesterday.  Knowing this, I immediately decided that I would tackle the run workout, that I had scheduled for today.  I would do it at lunchtime.

Just after noon, I got onto the treadmill and started running.  The slight pain in my heel was very manageable and didn’t impact my running gait at all.  I was able to easily get through the scheduled 45 minute run. 

After my run, my heel actually felt a little better and that is how it stayed all afternoon.  In fact, I think the longer the day went on, the better it felt.  Now I am just hoping that the progress continues tomorrow.

I also had a swim workout this evening, and for the first time this year, I had to wait to get into the pool.  Fortunately, nobody came to the pool after me, so I was able to go over the ‘lane time’ limit and complete my swim for the day.

This has been a great start to my week.  Successfully completing two workouts, has me feeling really good about my training moving forward.