A Full Day Of Training On The July 4th Holiday

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Most people are happy to relax on the July 4th Holiday. I was hoping for something different.  I had two different workouts scheduled, and I was hoping to do them both.

When I woke up this morning, the first thing I noticed was my knee.  Not because it was hurting me, but because it wasn’t.  The knee didn’t feel a hundred percent, but it did feel good.  As I sat and ate my breakfast, I was cautiously optimistic that I could workout today.

I knew I would do my first scheduled workout; a one hour swim at the pool.  The swim went well and my knee was still feeling good, as I lounged by the pool for a few minutes in the sun.  As I absorbed the sun’s rays, I knew that I would be able to ride my bike in the afternoon.

My bike workout was short, but included four, very high intensity efforts, for ninety seconds each.  Even though it is race week, I don’t just do easy effort work.  Short, intense bursts during workouts, help keep me tuned up and ready to race. 

With my knee situation, I decided that I would do only two of the scheduled, four intense efforts.  I also decided ahead of time that I would abort this plan, if I felt any twinges in my knee. The good news is that the ride went very well.  I didn’t have any significant knee pain, and I had good power in those bursts.

My July 4th Holiday turned out great, and I am getting more and more confident, that I will be fully healthy on the start line this Sunday.