A Frustrating Day Because I Couldn’t Workout

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I woke up in the early hours of this morning, with pain in my left knee.  It was inflamed and I needed to get out of bed to take some anti-inflammatory tablets and ice it down.  It was the start of what would be a frustrating day.

I don’t believe the injury to my knee is serious.  I think it is an overuse reaction to the workouts that I did yesterday.  As a precaution, I made the decision to skip my run workout this morning, in order to avoid further aggravating the knee.  I was fine doing this, because I knew that I also had a swim workout today.  My knee would be easily able to handle swimming.

Just before heading to North Carolina at the end of last week, the pool where I swim, was shut down for repairs.  Just as I was getting ready to leave home, I remembered this issue with the pool.  I therefore made a quick call to the gym to check on the pool’s status.  I did not like the answer.  The pool is closed until at least next Monday.  A custom part is needed to fix whatever issue the gym has with the pool, and it is not arriving until next week.

In reality, I could have gone swimming at my backup pool.  This pool is much further from home however, and with my knee still a little sore, I couldn’t bring myself to take on that drive.  I will use that pool for the other swims that I have this week, assuming I am fit enough to do so.

Days where you want to workout but where you cannot make it happen, are not unusual.  Missing a day of training is not the end of the world, but today it got to me a little bit.  It usually doesn’t bother me to skip a day, but mentally I struggled with it today.  It really was a frustrating day.