A Day To Reflect And Be Thankful

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I took a day off from working out today, to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday with my family.  It has been a very strange year for everyone, but I have a lot to be thankful for.

My family and I are all happy and healthy.  Sure, there are things we would have liked to do more of this year, like vacationing, but at the end of the day we are lucky to have what we have.

Aside from not having races, I have to say that the routine of working out, has been one of the most ‘normal’ things this year.  Through consistent training, I think I am a better athlete than I was this time last year. I was also able to expand my horizons and try something new.

This year I became an ultra-runner, when I completed a through run of the Rachel Carson Trail in October.  The thought of doing an ultra, has been in my mind for while, but without all the changes that happened this year, I would never have gotten the opportunity to do it.  It just goes to show that you can always turn any seemingly poor situation into an opportunity.

I also wouldn’t have been able to do that ultra-run without the support of my wife.  I am super thankful for everything she does.  She even supports my blog by taking photos of me.  Today’s blog photo was one she took at the start of my ultra-run.  You can’t see my face, but there was a huge smile on it, as I ran up that hill.

Hopefully next year, races will be back and we can all get back to doing triathlons together again.  Until then, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  I hope you are all in a good spot in your life, and that the future is bright.