A Day Off To Start My ‘Down Week’

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After a decent block of training, this week is my ‘down week’.  A ‘down week’ doesn’t mean no training, it just means reduced overall volume for the week.

Today, I have a rare, full day off with no scheduled workouts.  I did do my yoga routine, so it’s not like I did nothing, but after a big weekend of training, it feels nice to somewhat relax.

The good thing about this kind of week is that it allows me to catch up on work that needs to be done around the house.  This means more time to continue maintaining my deck.  Not fun, but it’s better to get it done now, versus later in the year, when my training volume really picks up.

My next potential race is ten weeks away.  That’s going to allow for two more big training blocks, with a down week and taper, making up the rest of the time. I am in good shape and am really hoping the race goes ahead.  The race is in Geneva, NY, which is away from large cities, so I think there is still a chance it could happen.

Whether the race goes ahead or not, I’ll still be working out most every day through the summer.  I better get this deck finished quickly.