A Blog Post Every Day For A Year

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When I wrote my first blog post exactly a year ago today, I wanted to try and write a blog post about my triathlon life, every single day.  I had no idea if I would be able to come up with something to write about every day, but I started anyway.

I surprisingly found out that I was able to do a daily post for a few weeks, then for a whole month, then for a few months and now for a whole year.  I have covered a lot of topics.  I have written about good days and not so good days.  I have included new things I wanted to incorporate into my training, many of which I failed to complete. I have covered nutrition, training, stress from daily life and a host of other topics.

The main reason for sharing my journey, is to try and give a little something back, to the sport that I love.  I hope that by being open about my journey, I am able to help others realize, that our journeys are often, far from perfect.  We all have ups and downs along the way.

In hindsight, I picked a particularly challenging year to start my blog.  The global Covid pandemic cancelled all my major races, so I never got to share anything about them.  The pandemic closed pools and gyms, so I needed to write about adapting workouts.  It did however allow me to try new things and I wrote about those.

The other great unknown, when I started writing a year ago, was whether anyone would actually read my blog.  I don’t have a huge following, but I do have readers every day and that makes me so happy.  I’ll finish this post with the same words that I used to finish my very first blog post…

My blog will be about my day to day journey in triathlon and I am sharing it, with the hope that, in some small way, it can help you on your journey too.

“Balancing Life And Triathlon – Sharing To Inspire”

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Daniel Lucente


    I have tremendously enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you!



    1. philjonestriathlon

      Thanks .. I am glad you enjoy it.

  2. Joe Zimmerman

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Especially for those that are beginners.

    1. philjonestriathlon

      Thank you. It makes me happy to know I’m helping.

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