Back On The Bike After A Five Week Hiatus

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Today, I got back on the bike for a workout. It was my first time riding, in just over five weeks. All I did was an easy spin, but even that felt a little strange after that five week hiatus.

I didn’t intend to be off my bike so long, but a series of events, combined to keep me from cycling.  The first of these was when I deliberately chose not to ride.  That was when I took a couple of weeks to focus on swimming and running ahead of SwimRun NC.

After completing the SwimRun event, I started a run focused block, and it so happened that I chose to skip my bike sessions, the first week of that block.  Then I got a niggling injury that caused me to pause working out all together, in an attempt to make it to the Indianapolis Marathon.

In the end, an Achilles injury prevented me from racing last weekend, and now I am focussing on recovering from that issue.  I have recovered enough over the course of this week, that I felt like I could get back on the bike today. So that is what I did.

The bike session went quite well.  My legs took some loosening up, but got there in the end. In addition, my Achilles didn’t react too badly either. It was maybe a tiny bit more sore this afternoon, but nothing that I am worried about.

Now it is all about me being patient, as I get back to training again.  Tomorrow, I am heading to the pool.  This will not impact my injury, but might be a challenge as I haven’t swum in four weeks.