Everything We Need For SwimRun NC Is Ready to Go

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SwimRun NC is tomorrow.  Sarah and I spent time this evening, assembling everything we will need for the race tomorrow. It is now all packed up and ready to go.

Today we had a lot of fun at the race check-in and at the shake out session organized by some very experienced swimrunners. The shake out session was particularly valuable for Sarah, as this is her first swimrun race.  About 15 teams ran the first mile of the course, to the first creek crossing. This was followed by a ‘swim’ in the Dan River, that covered the last 600 yards or so of the course. I say ‘swim’ loosely, because the river is very shallow here.  It was more a case of swim two strokes, scramble over some rocks on your belly, and repeat.

The river water was cold but bearable; much warmer than last year. Sarah and I laughed a lot during this brief swim, which bodes well for the race tomorrow.  Our goals tomorrow are to have fun, beat the cut-off times, and not finish last !!   I think as long as we have fun and finish, that will be enough.

It’s getting late as I write, so it’s time for bed.  I need to get in some good sleep and wake up early, ready to go have fun.