Hurry Slowly

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Hurry Slowly…

Those two words represent the approach that my coach and my teammates adopt as we train for triathlon. To get better at triathlon, is a process and it takes time.

Basically, there are no shortcuts to becoming the best triathlete you can be.  Getting better, mostly relies on being consistent with your training.  Lots of small steps, eventually add up to big gains.

I was reminded of this philosophy on my run today.  My run was not fast. My run was not long.  It was just an easy paced, 40 minute run.  I did the exact same run on Wednesday… and that’s the point.  

As my mind wandered on my run today, I also thought about racing.  I have absolutely no idea, when my next race will be.  I hope it’s Ironman 70.3 Musselman in July, but right now, who knows?  As I ran, I also realized, that it doesn’t really matter when I race again.  I will race at some time in the future, but right now, I have all the time in the world to embrace the process, and try to get better at the sport that I love.

Those thoughts brought me full circle. I reminded myself that what I really love is the process of getting better and to get better, I need to embrace the process and ‘hurry slowly’….