What A Fantastic Day For A Bike Ride

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What a fantastic day for a bike ride.  I was out there for three hours today, and it went so much better than I was expecting.  With the problems I have been having with leg strength, I was concerned that my ride would be one gigantic struggle.  As it turned out, it was not.

I had some work to do around the house this morning, so I wasn’t able to ride until this afternoon.  I chose to ride in my new C26 Triathlon kit, so as to check it out before my next race (nothing new on race day!!!).  The weather outside was perfect. Temperatures in the high 60’s, sunshine with some light clouds and no wind. The only concern was my legs.

Twenty minutes into the ride, and I already knew that my legs were much better.  This was good news, because there was going to be a lot of climbing hills on my route.   I ended up covering just over 50 miles and climbed a total of 4,000 feet in that distance.  The only downside was, that many of the roads I chose to ride, were in terrible condition.  Lots of bumps and potholes, together with a lot of rough chip and seal surfaces.  My butt was feeling it at the end of the ride!

After such a fantastic day on the bike, I am hoping for something similar tomorrow for my long run. Even if the weather isn’t as good, I’ll take it as long as my legs feel like they did today.