The Occasional Blow Out Meal Doesn’t Hurt

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It is that time of year where it is easy to lose control of your eating, and put on a few too many pounds.  I have been trying hard to eat well lately and have been doing well.  So, one blow out meal isn’t going to hurt me.

Coming from England, Thanksgiving is a little bit of an unusual tradition for us.  We normally have our big turkey dinner on Christmas Day, so for Thanksgiving we change things up.  We normally have a huge feast of Indian food and I am the chef.

I got my run workout done this morning, which the allowed me to spend all afternoon cooking. I prepared three separate Indian dishes today. I will prepare three more in the morning, before we eat tomorrow afternoon.

I really enjoy cooking Indian food, and I like eating it even more.  I will definitely be having a blow out meal tomorrow afternoon, but after that, it will be time to get back to controlled eating.