A Really Nice Run In The Sun in Kalamazoo

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Today was the last of our vacation, and we stopped in Kalamazoo to visit with our daughter.  It was a beautiful sunny day, and I managed to get in a nice run.

Tomorrow, we will be back in Pittsburgh and I will be able to return to a regular workout schedule.  I have to admit however, that having a very flexible workout regimen these past few weeks, has been very nice.  It feels like I have had a really good ‘off season’ break.  

Having not done a swim or bike workout in over three weeks, I am ready to get back to the pool and onto the bike.  I will emphasize swimming  over the next week, to make sure I am ready for SwimRun NC.

My run this afternoon was a nice run.  I ran through downtown Kalamazoo and then on the river trail.  The Kalamazoo River was very high and the water was over the trail at one point, which caused a slight detour.  Nonetheless, the trail was very peaceful as I was the only person on it.  It was a great way to finish off my vacation workouts.