Group Rides Don’t Always Fit With Your Workout Goals

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This evening was a good example of why, group rides don’t always align with your workout goals. 

My scheduled workout for the day, was a 90 minutes bike ride in Zones 1 and 2.  Knowing this, I decided I would join our local triathlon club for their regular group ride at my local park.  These group rides are usually quite leisurely affairs, so I thought I was making a great choice.  This ride would fit my needs as an ‘easy ride’.

Upon arriving at the park, I discovered that there were fewer people ready to ride than normal.  I also recognized that those present were all strong cyclists.  As I got my bike ready to ride, the conversation drifted into a debate about which route around the park to take. Somebody suggested we do a ‘hilly route’ and before I knew it, that was the final decision.

We set off on the route.  I knew the hills were not super challenging, and that if I could just spin up them, then I could accomplish my goal of a Zone 1/2 ride.  As soon as we hit the first hill however, that went out the window.  The group pushed hard up the hills and pretty soon my power was up in Zone 4!

To be honest I didn’t care.  I was having fun and my legs were feeling strong.  I knew I was working harder than planned, but I went with the flow.  At the end of the ride, I discovered that I had spent only 70% of the total time in Zones 1 and 2.

Making the choice to go above the goals of my ‘easy’ workout is OK every once in a while.  The key is to not do it all the time. If you enjoy group rides, then do them, as long as you realize they won’t always fit your goals for the day.