Finding History On My Easy Paced Long Ride

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Today I did a four hour easy endurance ride.  I really like this kind of bike workout, because I don’t have to worry about finding good roads, for higher intensity workouts.  I can just go exploring to see what I can find.  Today I ended up finding history.

When I go exploring on my bike, I don’t plan a route at all.  I truly explore.  I pick a general area to go ride in, and let the roads take me wherever they go.  Navigating by using the sun, I know which direction I am generally in, and try to do some kind of big loop.

The roads that I explored today were really good.  Many of them were in very good condition and nearly all of them had very little traffic.  I had this notion to head towards a small town called Saxonburg, and eventually I got there.  When I did get there, I found a very interesting roadside marker.

The marker commemorated the Roebling family.  John Roebling invented steel wire rope and designed the Brooklyn Bridge.  His son, Washington, actually built the bridge.  This stuff is fascinating to me, and was so glad I found this today.  I celebrated by stopping for photographs and munching on a peanut butter sandwich.

I really do enjoy this kind of ride.  Today I ended up finding history; next time, who knows what I will come across.